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what's the difference between wheelbarrows and carts

Views: 0     Author: Vivian - Maxtop     Publish Time: 2024-08-15      Origin: Site


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what's the difference between wheelbarrows and carts

Wheelbarrows and carts are both used to move heavy loads, but they have different designs and are best suited for different purposes:

  • Wheelbarrow
    Has a sloped tray and one or two wheels in the front. Wheelbarrows are good for transporting large gardening tools and heavy supplies, like dirt, weeds, or sand. They can have sturdy wooden handles and a 6-cubic-foot-or-larger tray made of nonrusting plastic. Wheelbarrows can be pulled by hand or attached to a tractor or ATV. They can have different wheel materials and handle styles, and their body design is deeper and more curved than a cart's.

  • Cart
  • Has straight sides and two or more large wheels. Carts are more stable and can carry more volume than wheelbarrows. They can be pulled by hand or attached to a tractor or ATV. Carts are often custom built for specialized storage and transport of tools for a specific application, such as industry-specific tools for a manufacturing plant or standard tool kits for handymen.  

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